Tip 1: Choose quality over price
As the famous Benjamin Franklin quote states “the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”. Ultimately expressing that with low price, will eventually come low quality, which is often always going to disappoint you in the long run. There is nothing worse than making an investment into something for it to fall through. You want your long-term investments to be, as it says in the name, LONG TERM. The best way to achieve this is to pay a little extra for a higher quality, more durable product. After over 20 years of working in the construction and trade industry, starting out as builders purchasing timber materials, we, like many others fell into the trap of purchasing based solely on price. And believe you me, we regretted it. Being left with the result of rotting, warping, cupping timber with a lifespan of only a few years. We can confidently tell you, if you want long lasting, satisfactory results, whether it is for your cladding, decking, or flooring, it is not worth the risk. When committing to a build project, it is advisable to spend time researching for quality products, with high stability and long durability.
Tip 2: Consider the durability of the product
It is important to consider the ageing properties, environmental impacts, and upkeep of the products you are interested in. ThermoWood’s have longer durability than softwoods. This is because the changes that occur within the thermally modifying process allow the ThermoWood to become more durable, fire resistant and impenetrable to rotting, warping, cupping, and weathering. You also have the added benefit of ThermoWood’s offering a longer lifespan, of 30+ years. Our Thermally modified products are also 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly, whereas pressure treated and composite products release harmful chemicals into the environment, so must be disposed of in landfills, which can become detrimental to the environment in the long term.
Tip 3: Choose the right species
Your choice of wood species is normally based on aesthetics, durability, and cost. We feel that the most important factor to consider when choosing your species is the durability of the material. For example, our Softwood’s fashioned from cedar and larch are more susceptible to damage but weather to an attractive silvery hue. Our ThermoWood and ThermoChar® ranges are the most durable products that we stock, due to the process that they are put through to ensure that they are not susceptible to damage and weathering over time. Your choice between a ThermoWood, ThermoChar® or AtelierClad® range would be dependent on the final look that you want to achieve for your project.
Tip 4: Set a budget and be realistic about costs
If you plan ahead and budget accordingly, very few projects will fail. However, if your project is going to fail, it is probably because the money has run out. In general, projects will almost always incur extra costs, whether it's because you underestimated the amount of material you needed or if you decide to add some extra touches to the finished result. We suggest that the first thing you do before purchasing anything, is working out how much money, you realistically can afford to spend on the project. Your total budget should include a sum of 10% for a contingency plan, to cover any unforeseen costs in the long term.
Tip 5: Follow the rules
It is so important to consider and abide by planning and development rules and laws when taking on a build project. You cannot build a new home or include cladding without obtaining full planning permission. These permissions would most likely then come with conditions to be complied with. If you do not obtain permission or fail to abide by the conditions set, you could see yourself in a lot of trouble and your project could be put on hold or even cancelled. Build projects and works that don’t have planning and building permissions tend to surface when the house is put up for sale. This could make it difficult to sell the property on, suggesting that it is always best to follow the rules from the start.
Tip 6: Decide on the right profile
Once you’ve selected your species and composition, you will need to select the profile of your timber, which will then be cut to the right size. Dependant on the profile you select, the look of your cladding and the ease of installation will differ. Some cladding profiles are easier to fit then others and some will look better for your project than others. Tongue and groove profiles are very easy to install, create a strong structure and look very professional. The interlocking joints provide an effective shield from harsh weather conditions and acts as a good insulator.
Tip 7: Expect delays and changes to lead times
Pretty much nothing went to plan in 2020 due to Covid-19, Brexit and a plethora of other events. 2020 is living proof that we should always expect change and try to be prepared for it. With pretty much any build project, not everything goes to plan first time, and one thing to expect, is delays and changes to your lead times. Because sometimes, it just isn't possible. We suggest factoring in the chance that the products you're relying on could be delayed. It would be best to plan your next works after receiving your materials, ensuring that your architect, builder or supplier keep you updated so that you can get the ball rolling as soon as your materials are delivered.
Due to the fact that QTD Ltd work closely with our international partners in Turkey, we will be able to send you regular updates on your order, but it is also worth bearing in mind that some things will be out of our control. Take the recent earthquake in Turkey in October 2020, for example. This halted production significantly, and of course, we needed to allow our factory time to recover and get back on their feet. These extenuating circumstances are out of everybody’s control, and we hope that this won't happen again! But please do bear in mind, that sometimes, things won't go as planned and timings will change. So, it is important to consider this and be prepared for the worst.
Tip 8: Be kind to everyone involved in the process
Everyone appreciates kindness. Like we have said before, some things that happen during your build project are out of your control and can also be out of your contractors, builders, and supplier’s control. So, it is best to be understanding and try to work with everyone involved in the project instead of against them. The better your relationship is with your team, the smoother everything will run. Communication and respect are key in a build project and if this is replicated and reciprocated, your project will be less stressful for you and everyone around you. The better your relationship with them is, the smoother everything will go.